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str. 186

Superficial dilettantism is promoted, in itself congenial to the Australian „bushman" who has to know how to manage things at every emergency, and to do all kinds of work, but who is quite at a loss in modern manufacturing.

That in many branches Australian exports do not obtain the same prices and that they are not as marketable as the competing goods from the United States of America (tinned fruit), New Zealand and Argentina (frozen meat), only the carelessness in manufacturing, packing and freezing is to blame for, the quality of the raw materials being in no wise inferior.

So directly and indirectly the protection of Australian manufactures is prejudicial to the exploitation of the raw materials and especially to Australian agriculture which besides has still the disadvantage of being far from the markets and of being completely in the power of the wholesale exportér dictating the prices. Often the price does not even cover working expenses and living wage of the Australian farmer who supplies all the Australian raw materials sent to the world's market.

So the isolation of Australia, artificially accentuated under the device „Australia for the Australians" becomes the principál agent impe-ding a rapid and dense population of the Australian country. How to maintain and strengthen the rural population is the foremost and urgent sociologie problem, a vital one of the Australian Commonwealth.

The privileges accorded to manufacture and the measures taken to procure a comparatively comfortable income for the factory hands in return for little work done, aggravate the incongruity between the smali man in the country and unskilled labour in the big towns and industrial centres to the detriment of the rural producer.

In his enterprise, the farmer as well as the independent digger prospecting in the interior for metals or precious stones — in short the producer of raw-materials — is alone to bear profit or loss. He has to endure the inclemency of the weather and oflen its roughness injures his health. He has no claim to relief when elementary forces rob him of a large part of what he has earned by hard work. Besides he has to endure all the hardships of isolation and he is almost at the mercy of the manufacturer and dealer who profit by the isolation of Australia to the detriment of the producer of raw materials.

On the other side organized labourer in manufacture, traffic and commerce lives snugly in some big centre, where he finds every convenience and entertainment and all he wants in every day life. In aecordance with the doctrines of his party he does not feel responsible to his employer nor to the buyers, for whom he has to work; he sees no reason why to improve his work and even if he wishes to do so, his Organization will not allow it. The Organization takés good care that the labourer is never punished for bad work and sees to it that he is supported in case of illness, accident or unemployment, whether through his own fault or not.

The artificial accentuation and the partial exploitation of the isolation from the rest of the world is the original and principál cause

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